Price: 30.99
Design: Full Body
Fabric: Lycra Spandex
Type: Bodysuit
Gender: Unisex
Group: Adults
Components: Jumpsuit
Overall Rating
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  • T****s
    Overall Fit:Ture to size
    Hallo Milanoo, ich wollte mich bei ihnen nach der Größe der XXL -Anzüge erkundigen. In ihrer Beschreibung steht, dass die Anzüge für Menschen über 180 cm geeignet sind. Nun frage ich mich aber ob sie auch für mich (203 cm) geeignet wären, oder dür solche Größen nicht ausgelegt sind. Liebe Grüße

    Dear T****s,
    Guten tag vielen dank für ihre Anfrage leider der Anzung passt ihnen nicht,es ist klein für Sie,bitte um ihre verständnis,vielen dank die kundenservice von milanoo

  • g****l
    Overall Fit:Ture to size
    hallo ich heise gabreil ich bin 12 jahre alt ich lebe in emmendingen ich möchte mir ein zentai gantz anzug kaufen ich brauche gröse S aber ich weis nicht ab wie viel kg man wigen darf ich wige nähmlich 57kg kan ich dan gröse S nemen

    Dear g****l,
    Guten tag vielen dank für ihre Anfrage unter dem bild gibt es eine Größtabellen,Sie können die entsprichte Größ nach dieser Tabellen finden,vielen dank die kundenservice von milanoo

  • j****n
    Overall Fit:Ture to size
    I need a large will you have any in stock while it's still free shipping? The pull down menu does not offer a large?

    Dear j****n,
    the largest size here for this product XXL. for which you can refer to the size chart.

  • f****u
    Overall Fit:Ture to size
    necessito saver el tiempo que tarda i si se puede pagar una vez aya llegado el producto... gracias!
  • A****x
    Overall Fit:Ture to size
    ich wollte bei ihnen einen, bzw. weil ich mehr als 15€ mindestbestellwert brauche zwei ganzkörperanzüge bestellen um mal zu testen wie die so sind. komme aber mit ihren versandgebühren nicht ganz klar. auf der einen seite steht was mit 10€ auf der anderen dann mit 12 €. können sie mir bitte einen genauen preis nennen. vielleicht fällt der preis auch ein bischen niedriger aus als er bei ihnen angegeben ist da das gewicht der bestellmenge nur 0,5 kg hat. MfG Alex

    Dear A****x,
    Guten tag wir freuen uns,dass Sie an unsere Waren interessiert sind,vielen danke. wenn Sie mehr Anzüge kaufen ,naturlich können wir ihnen ein bisschen Rabatte geben, unsere versandkosten ist nach dem weight von paket,vielen danke die kundenservice von milanoo

  • V****e
    Overall Fit:Ture to size
    Hello, do we see this costume?
  • A****x
    Overall Fit:Ture to size
    Hello, Is it possible to remove the head and hands and tell me the price of the modifications? Thank you.

    Dear A****x,
    Bonjour, pour ce costume, on ne peut pas d'enlever la tête et les mains. Cordialement!

  • N****e
    Overall Fit:Ture to size
    Salve .. la mia domanda la seguente : desideriamo acquistare una tuta full body, siamo in un gruppo di 10 persone, ognuno desidera un colore differente, volevamo sapere se vi sono sconti sulla merce o sulle spese di spedizione nel caso in cui comprassimo tutti insieme... grazie..
  • B****n
    Overall Fit:Ture to size
    Are the measurements that are listed under your sizes the maximum dimensions to have it almost skin tight?

    Dear B****n,
    Weather it is tight or loose will depend on yourself stature to choose right size.

  • k****t
    Overall Fit:Ture to size
    I am planning to wear this on my super close best friend’s upcoming Halloween party. I have so many questions in mind before buying this suit. First I was worried if ever I will wear this I might not have a clear vision especially the event is usually at night. Second, it came to my mind that if ever I will urinate I still have take the whole suit off. I realized that this suit would be a hassle.
  • N****D
    Overall Fit:Ture to size
    um i am 11 and im 5'1 will small fit and how can i speed u my order

    Dear N****D,
    Sorry, I cannot find any order by your email address.

  • B****n
    Overall Fit:Ture to size
    I was wondering, would it be possible to buy just the top half (from the waist up) of this suit? I'd also need a spiderman-style pull up mask so I could eat or drink while wearing it (I do not want a face aperture). I can make these modifications at home, but I'm sure it'd look much, much nicer if you could do it. Also... 5' 5", 140lbs. Guessing that'd be a medium?
  • T****r
    Overall Fit:Ture to size
    Hey the green glows. Sort of the green lantern. Actually, exactly like the green lantern. If only I could match this up with some nice green contacts and some green shoes and a belt, then I can be green lantern. I think thats what I'll do this time! I knew zentai suits couldn't be totally useless! I've found a way to use them. Only, I'd be using them without the head piece. Now the only thing I have to do is get the right hair cut. Hey, wait! Don't you guys have wigs as well? Do you have a green lantern wig? I'd like to buy one. And if they are available, I'd like to buy the entire Justice League of America suits and assorted accessories. That would be the heights! Thanks Milanoo. You rock!
  • E****n
    Overall Fit:Ture to size
    I'm 6' 3" 210 lbs. which one would fit me?

    Dear E****n,
    Custom made service is strongly advised, please select the option called "Custom Made" by clicking size drop down menu.

  • j****j
    Overall Fit:Ture to size
    i was thinking about buying one, what are the payment options?
  • N****h
    Overall Fit:Ture to size
    So I have a height of 159cm, chest size of 83cm, waist of 73cm and hip size of 80cm ....I should get a medium right???
  • N****l
    Overall Fit:Ture to size
    I am 12 yrs old 5'0 and I'm 86 lbs I'm wondering if it will fit me when I'm older and is it stretchy or when I'm older can I trade it in for a new one? Thanks!
  • N****l
    Overall Fit:Ture to size
    I'm 12 and 5 feet tall and 88 lbs and I want this to fit me now but I also want it to fit me when I get older, so isit strechy or can I trade it in for another size? I love GREENMAN!!!!!!!! Thanks!
  • n****i
    Overall Fit:Ture to size
    Hey, I'm thinking about purchasing one of these and I was wondering; is it ok if the suit is three centimeters to big? I'm having a hard time finding a suit my size and this is the closest I've gotten.
  • r****s
    Overall Fit:Ture to size
    can i get this exact suit in orange for the same price?

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